CONS: Sugary Scandal

Jessica Borla, Copy Editor

Ever since we have started to become older, we have had to become more independent as well. We have to begin to make huge decisions, such as choosing our college major. Adults always tell us that we are young adults, and we have to do things for ourselves. The problem is, Michelle Obama is taking a part of the freedom of being a young adult away by banning foods that are high in sugar from our schools, because ultimately, it is our decision as to whether or not we eat these foods.

Every student at Lambert knows about the Concession Stand upstairs by the gym track, where the mom’s of students volunteer and sell breakfast and goodies to the hungry, demanding kids. In the past couple of weeks, the long lines extending out have diminished. It is important to know that a lot of the money goes back into the school. Therefore, the drop in profits in the morning could possibly affect us over time. For example, Lambert has just invested a lot of money into brand new computers, and we might not have as much of a luxury when we need it in the future. Also, the minute we leave school, we already make decisions about our own health, and we don’t have any rules to follow. That also brings up the topic of athletes. Many students are athletes and know how to balance their nutrition with their exercise. It is okay for students to treat themselves every once in a while; not all students go to the Concession Stand every day for candy.

How do most of the clubs and sports at our school earn money to keep their organizations going? By fundraisers, of course! Most of these fundraisers involve food. The key to a teenager’s heart is through their stomach, and selling a candy bar for only $1 for example is a very convenient way for clubs and sports to raise money, and for students to quickly cure their hunger. Junior and FBLA member, Kelsey Gomez, shares how Michelle Obama’s banning of sugary foods at school has affected the organization overall. “Early in the year, FBLA members partake in the Krispy Kreme fundraiser where we sell boxes of doughnuts to students, families, and friends. This accounts for the majority of our funds throughout the year. It helps to pay for Fall Rally, Fall Leadership, and Regional and State conferences. Not only is it that, but our March of Dimes fundraiser is no more. The money raised helps FBLA but also helps fund research for prematurely born babies. During March of Dimes, FBLA members carry bags of candy around school selling candy for a dollar or less. Michelle Obama, with good intentions, has caused a ripple effect through clubs causing them to scrap their previous methods and risk new techniques, in order to possibly make have the profit. This new restriction causes a plummet of profits and hurts clubs tremendously.”

As you can see, Michelle Obama has had a larger overall impact on our school than she probably intended. It is most likely imagined that it has affected other schools across the nation, as well. With many positive reasons for this law to be put into action, it also brings upon multiple negative viewpoints and circumstances.