Lauren Pearson
Advice to my freshman self
Advice to my freshman self
Aarya Pandya
Read your AP Human book no matter how boring it gets, and take it seriously, freshmen year sets the foundation to your high school career.
Lauren Pearson
“Brace yourself. It’s going to be a crazy ride, but it will be the best of your life. Don’t be afraid to be bold in your faith and get out of your comfort zone. Pray for wisdom so that you know when to hold on and when to let go. Because trust me, you are definitely going to have to do both of those things during high school. Also, be fearless. When I say this, I am not referring to heights or spiders. I want you to never be afraid of loving with your whole heart or living your life with everything you have. Hold on tight to your friends and always invest in everyone you meet. Everyone’s story is worth hearing. Including yours. So trust in God and let Him write it.”
Kathryn Harwell
Study harder, and take it seriously. Because if you don’t, it will kill your GPA and you will pay for it later.
Maya Keator
“Get more involved in the school, study harder, and don’t stand in the middle of the hallway or walk slowly.”