Trunk or treat

Students from Mashburn Elementary School gather around in the parking lot for a Trunk or Treat event. Willow, a second grader, was the first one to enter into the coloring contest. As she started coloring meticulously, she said, “It’s hard to color in the lines!” This coloring contest was one of the most popular stations at this event; students lined up after one another eagerly, hoping to win their class free breakfast.

Like many children, Audrey found that it was hard to finish a whole coloring sheet by herself. With the help of her sister, she was able to enter in the color contest.

Peanut Butter and Jelly- what a clever idea to dress up as a pair with your best friend.

Countless numbers of children were lined up to get their candy from this trunk. Beware, candy was not passed out easily at this stop; children had to earn their way up by playing a game. If they accomplished the game, a handful of candy was given. If not, better luck next time!

Although the rules said “no scary trunks”, the owners of this truck decided to go against it. Ghost statues were put up all around the car and the owner even bought himself a terrifying wolf costume. However, that didn’t stop this brave knight from building up the courage to take a picture next to this creepy creature.

The moms tried numerous times to capture the attention of these cute elementary schoolers. As you can tell, they weren’t very interested as crowds of people in costumes encircled them.

This police officer decided to handle matters quietly on the other side of the parking lot, as she arrested the Joker.

Since the children were busy collecting all the candy they could, not many people entered in the costume contest. Amongst those who entered, the siblings dressed up as ghost buster characters came in first place. In second place was Anna from Frozen and in third place was a clown.
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