Anime can be defined by a distinct style of Japanese animation and storytelling that often embodies flamboyant animation, lively characters and supernatural themes. While popular in Japan, anime became more widely recognized in the Western world due to the lockdown creating an online community of fans. The surge in popularity of anime can be accredited to the Covid-19 shut down in 2020; some popular anime include Demon Slayer, Death Note, One Piece and Naruto. From niche to mainstream, this rising interest has spilled over into Lambert’s own community through Lambert Anime Club.
The club’s mission is to create a safe space for students to explore and indulge in anime, manga and Japanese culture. They aim to connect fans and provide a space to discuss, watch and appreciate various genres of anime.
“There are a lot of people that watch it but don’t want to share their interest,” Club President Elizabeth Siv said. “I wanted to create an environment where people can freely express that and make friends with similar interests.”
The club has a wide range of activities to create vibrant and fun meetings for members to connect, including Pictionary, Mafia and Blooket, all with anime-related themes. Winners of these mini-games can earn candy and prizes such as keychains and mini flags. A usual meeting can be very lively and sometimes even a little competitive. Last year, they held a schoolwide event, Anime Fest, where club members participated in art contests, a karaoke night and anime watch parties. Through connection with an accepting community, fans are able to freely express their interest.
“It’s important to have a club that focuses on specific interests in such a diverse school,” club sponsor Mr. Moses said.
Moving forward into the holiday season, Anime Club has exciting events planned, including a possible Christmas gift exchange event, an art contest and more game nights on their club Discord server.
“I felt like these events were a way to connect with people with similar interests,” Vice President Lauren Tiede explained. “I felt it was nice to make friends that way.”
Within the numerous communities of Lambert, those with an interest in anime have found their home within the Anime Club. The accepting and energetic atmosphere makes all feel welcome and connected through activities and discussions. Here, everyone finds a place to be themselves.