Spoken Word Poetry Club Profile

It takes great courage to stand up for one another, and even more difficult to stand up for those you love. But, it may be the most difficult to stand up for one’s self, particularly when it seems that you cannot be heard. Universally, this is an aspect of life that many teenagers struggle with. The Spoken Word Poetry club at Lambert gives students a “safe space” to speak.

Spoken word poetry seemed to be a difficult form of expression, requiring poise and confidence. Open Mic Night was held in room 1512, which was also the classroom for film, audio, and tech. It was confusing, not knowing where the stage would be among all the computers, but former President Brianna La Rocca excitedly ushered the newcomers to the studio next door. “Guys, we have people! We weren’t expecting new members,” she explained.

The studio had a different aesthetic from the brick walls, red accents, and linoleum floors that a unique mood from the rest of Lambert. The room was covered in black paint and there was a thin platform of light wooden flooring. One wall was covered in chalkboard paint, written around the heading “Open Mic Night” was “freedom,” “friendship,” and “space,” but the phrase “open minded” was the largest and stood out the most.

The turnout wasn’t as large as expected. There are around thirty members, and at each meeting there are ten to fifteen members. The members of Spoken Word, like most other students of Lambert, lead very busy lives. The club is not meant to be stressful, and members attend meetings as often as they can. It isn’t often that a piece is recited with repetitive rehearsal; most who speak do so without practice, giving more truth and emotion to their pieces. Those that choose to share their pieces express themselves through truth and emotion, which make up for any lack of perfection.

Spoken Word is a hot spot for writers. Many members recite their own, personal compositions. Others opt to share pieces that have already been written. One piece recited by Brianna La Rocca was “Dear Future Generations” by spoken word artist Prince EA.The poem centered around the importance of saving the planet. A personal composition was shared by Eric Zhu, called “We are Young.” As more pieces were shared, the audience remembered to snap instead of clap, a withstanding tradition in poetry slams.

“You don’t always have to share poetry. This is a safe space. Anyone can take the stage to rant, sing, or just talk. Whatever is said in here, stays in here,” explained the club members.

The Spoken Word Poetry Club has successfully created an environment which is inclusive, while establishing trust among a small community of students and writers.