Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Wilson

Advanced Placement U.S. History teacher Mrs. Wilson has been guiding students for 22 years. She has taught mostly U.S. History, as well as world history. Ten years after becoming a teacher, she was asked to teach APUSH. With her Master’s in U.S. History, Wilson is prepared to help every type of learner and is aware of learning difficulties as well as if students are new to AP courses. She chose to teach high school students as they can learn on a deeper level.

“In the younger age group, there is a lot of skill development in regards to ‘wipe your nose’ how to walk down the hallway, bathroom etiquette. High school kids more or less come with that,” she laughed. “You can look at them in regards to a future: who they want to become- not on just surviving daily. It helps me build a future that I can be proud of.”

Surprisingly, she did not always enjoy history. However, Wilson knew from an early age she wanted to teach. She has students from all over the globe. They share their families’ experiences in class. Discussions even lead to the sharing of personal and traumatic events.

“I chose history because I think it gives the most room to grow as a person and not just as in skill,” she related.

Wilson sees personal growth in her students as they adjust to the rigor of the course. She gives her students opportunities to present their knowledge to the class. She identifies 11th grade as the year they understand what it means to be an American. The saying, “The student becomes the teacher,” is even true in an AP course. Wilson sees a theme of optimism in her students, as well as articulate questions.

“They’ll ask questions that I maybe didn’t think about … They learn, and they teach me,’’ she stated.

As for teaching an AP course, there is more freedom in terms of standards. Although on-level students would like to learn more, only in an AP class do you have the flexibility to push them further.

Wilson has been a teacher at Lambert for nine years. She has been supporting the Student Council since its first year, 2010. Student Council became official and created traditions with her assistance. They have not only built a standard of academic excellence but of Longhorn Pride. Students grow as they practice public speaking, develop school culture, and carry themselves confidently. Congratulations on winning Teacher of the Month, and thank you for encouraging Longhorns!