Caffeine…Dangerous or Delicious?
Caffeine is a substance that is used to help someone stay awake and alert when feeling sleepy and exhausted. It is a crystalline compound found in tea, coffee, and sodas that stimulates the central nervous system. Studies show that almost 85% of Americans drink at least one caffeinated drink per day.

For the most part, it is clear that caffeine is more favored than not favorited by the population. As a busy teen, I am a fan of various types of caffeine.
Drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks can have a lot of benefits. It can increase the body’s energy levels by increasing the adrenaline in your body.
“By blocking adenosine, caffeine lets those excitatory neurotransmitters that stimulate the brain move about freely. This leads to an increased neuron firing, and the pituitary gland notices the uptick inactivity. The pituitary gland, in turn, releases hormones that activate the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline” says Three Ways That Caffeine Affects Your Brain by Coffee Academy.
Whether someone is drinking a Red Bull energy drink or a Venti vanilla latte from Starbucks, the caffeine intake is affecting your body and your brain in many ways. Caffeine can improve mood by increasing the dopamine levels in our brain.
Many people use caffeine as a way to feel less hungry and reduce the desire to eat. There is no correlation between weight loss and drinking caffeine. Of course, it does give people lots of energy and possibly a sudden motivation to get up and get moving.
“I drink at least one cup of coffee a day. I feel like I do not have enough energy if I don’t drink it during that day” says Olivia Natoli, a sophomore at Lambert Highschool.
Adults are not the only ones consuming caffeine. A study shown by the National Coffee association shows that Americans aged from 13-18 who drink coffee every day have risen by about 37% since the year 2014.
Coffee and energy drinks are great and a fan favorite. There are for sure a lot of benefits and great things about drinking a coffee or two a day, but could caffeine potentially be dangerous to a person’s health?
It is known that caffeine consumption can boost one’s blood pressure. The dosage of caffeine can only be so high before having noticeable effects. Too much caffeine can increase the risk of heart attacks in young adults as well.
“A Mayo Clinic partnered study found that men who drank more than four 8 fl. oz. cups of coffee had a 21% increase in all-cause mortality. However, those that reported that they consumed excessive amounts of caffeine were also likely to smoke and have poor fitness” says the article 20+ Harmful Effects of Caffeine.
For all the positives about caffeine, there is always a negative. Caffeine poses many annoying effects on the body. Insomnia, indigestion, incontinence, headaches, and allergies are all a part of that. Not including the minor effects that it is, but caffeine could have harmful conducts in humans. This consists of heart attacks, reduced fertility, caffeine overdose, increased anxiety, and heart contractions.
Usually, when people have their daily coffee or energy drink, no one thinks twice about it. There are many great things that come out of a cup of coffee. Caffeine holds its doubts as well.
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