College is a very popular path that students tend to take after high school. In 2022, around 62% of high school students immediately enrolled in some sort of college program, and this percentage continues to increase. This raises the question of what happens to the 38% of students who take another path.
A 2021 article from the Washington Post states that around 4 million workers without college degrees have not been able to find jobs since being let go during the pandemic. That number is much higher in comparison to the almost 1 million individuals who have college degrees that are struggling with the same issue.
Lambert High School alumni and rap artist Gautam Murali (Yung Grali) currently attends Georgia State University and is also a local celebrity.
He states that his parents did not know about his career until his cousin slipped up and told them about his first music video. They loved the video and were very proud of him, but they still believed that a college degree was important.
“They still want me to keep it on the side [college] and pursue a college degree,” Murali stated. “But I’m not trying to take the risk because I’m not worried about the outcome, just focused on the journey.”
There are many instances of students who have succeeded without a college degree. Various other programs and schools, such as cosmetics schools, trade schools, the military, and the Peace Corps, can teach students skills necessary for many high-paying professions.
Senior Naga Kadari plans to join JROTC in college and then the U.S. Marines afterward. He hopes to earn a degree in marine biology.
“I plan on joining and then deploying to multiple countries so that I can travel the world,” Kadari stated.
A 2022 article from NPR discusses how fewer students are choosing a traditional four-year college route. Although the article deems this a concern, this phenomenon can be seen as a society moving away from a more traditional route, which potentially might lead to more jobs with flexible education requirements.
Although a four-year route is common, it is not necessary. Many students are now breaking traditional barriers and taking an alternative path, which seems to provide them with just as much success and happiness as those who take a four-year college route. Either way, it is possible to achieve your passions with whichever path you choose.