Lambert is known for having a large number of clubs. Two such clubs, Mock Trial and Model UN (United Nations), are popular amongst the student body due to the opportunities each presents.
When it comes to these two organizations, there is often confusion in trying to tell them apart. Most recognize these two clubs as a platform to gain valuable public speaking skills and real-world knowledge. Although they may seem to be quite similar, the experiences that each provide are notably different.
On the surface level, Mock Trial revolves around the legal world and the litigation process. Students who audition will be assigned either an attorney, witness or timekeeper for the prosecution or defense. Over the course of months, students will be able to prepare for their roles in a fictional legal case, molding and immersing themselves into their characters. When competition day arrives, students will be able to battle out their case in a real courtroom setting against other high schools, while a real judge and jury are present.
This club is recommended for those who want to have a future career in law. Students who want to take their public speaking, critical thinking and persuasion skills to another level through a legal perspective can find this club a perfect fit. Mock Trial is still growing in popularity, but the camaraderie and legal experience is one that no other club can provide.
“Mock Trial is a very welcoming club, but [it] is also able to compete in some very serious competitions, something other clubs can’t say,” Varsity Mock Trial member Armaan Bhasin explained.
On the other hand, Model UN, as its name implies, focuses on resembling the workings of the United Nations. Students will have the opportunity to represent different countries as delegates, crafting solutions in global diplomacy and debating foreign issues. Students in Model UN can craft their public speaking skills, and most importantly, work on their negotiation skills on a pretend international level. Model UN holds conferences where students will be able debate global issues and negotiate.
Model UN has remained one of the most popular and recognized clubs in high schools across the nation as many students seek to have a future in the government (i.e. foreign relations and policy). Students focus on researching their foreign country, and they learn about the issues that surround that country in relation to their participation in the United Nations. Students can gain leadership skills and roles as they negotiate in the conferences over their foreign country.
At the end of the day, both Mock Trial and Model UN are clubs that provide high school students an opportunity to experience their potential futures. Both offer students the opportunity to hone in on their public speaking, teamwork and critical thinking skills. While one is focused on law and the other on global affairs, students can make the choice to be in either one depending on their future career aspirations and preferred style of learning. Students can visit Lambert’s Mock Trial instagram page and/or Model UN page for more information.