Netflix has brought the magic of Christmas to life with “Hot Frosty,” a romantic-comedy that premiered on November 13, 2024. The movie follows Cathy, a widowed woman who unexpectedly brings a snowman to life, leading to a tale of love, humor and self-discovery.
From the outset, “Hot Frosty” makes no attempt to disguise its over-the-top premise. Like many holiday rom-coms, it leans into the charm of its absurdity.
“I watched ‘Hot Frosty’ with relatively low expectations and wasn’t surprised,” Lambert senior Ian Durham said. “I laughed a lot as there were a lot of cheesy moments.”
The film seems acutely aware of its silliness, embracing the genre’s hallmarks to deliver an experience that feels both familiar and endearing. Like many others in its category, it is a wholesome holiday movie sprinkled with some double entendres, adding a cheeky twist to its charm and ensuring a great movie experience for viewers young and old.
Part of the movie’s success also lies in its casting, as many liked the unique dynamic between the co-leads.
Dustin Milligan shines as the titular Frosty-a snowman turned human with a heart of gold and a childlike innocence. Opposite him, Lacey Chabert brings depth to the role of Cathy, a woman grappling with loss and learning to trust again.
“I liked the casting in the movie,” Lambert senior Jaden Hicks noted. “I thought Dustin Milligan and Lacey Chabert played their parts really well.”
Milligan captures Frosty’s naivety with charm, while Chabert’s portal of a guarded, no-nonsense Cathy provides a perfect counterbalance. This dynamic creates more genuine moments amidst the otherwise predictable tropes.
“Hot Frosty” may not win awards for originality, but it delivers exactly what its audience expects: feel-good fun, festive spirit and plenty of laughs. Whether you are a fan of cheesy holiday romances or simply looking for a lighthearted escape, this film offers something for all ages.