Through an athlete’s eyes

Tyler observing his team at practice on a Wednesday afternoon.
“I’m doing all right, I’m healthy, I’m grateful for that.” says senior Tyler Ray. Tyler is a part of the varsity football team here at Lambert High School. He discussed how the sport itself has affected him and his team.
Tyler is well-known within his senior class, and not just because he is a prominent athlete. Ray is a selfless team player, a trait which distinguishes him from the rest of his teammates. He values the sport and how much work is required to achieve success. “We have a few hurt players, key players. When they come back we’ll be alright.” He acknowledges that the team isn’t the same without these significant players, leading the Longhorns into a rough season. “We’re off to kind of a rocky start, but I feel like we’ll be fine.”
“He’s a great student, and also got a five on both his AP exams.” said David Zink, Tyler’s math teacher. Ray loves Zink and says he is one of his favorite teachers. Zink has been Tyler’s teacher for two years now, he says “Tyler has a lot of friends in the class and because of that has a hard time focusing.” Zink has never seen Tyler play a game of football but knows he’s a great player because of everything he hears from the coaches. Zink sees a lot of success in his future and can’t wait to see what he does with his opportunities.
“I think he’s one of those guys that is really quiet, but always gets the job done.” says friend Grant Plaugher. “We’ve all been best friends since eighth grade.” states Daniel Morin. Plaugher and Morin have been watching Tyler play for four years now. They go every Friday night to support one of their closest friends. “Tyler can do whatever he wants, he will find success in anything.” says Morin. “Words of wisdom I have for Tyler would be, to not get so upset and to remain calm.”
As the season closes to an end, playoffs soon begin. Tyler is feeling confident that the team will reach further than they ever have before, making Longhorn history. “I expect, I hope we win region this year. I expect to make playoffs this year, hopefully we’ll win our first game.” With the injured players on their way to recovery in time for playoffs, the beloved football team has a chance to do remarkable this season.
Like many seniors, Tyler is ready for college and looking forward to a new chapter in his life. He is sad to see his high school football career go but is thankful that he got the chance to be a part of a sport as illustrious as football. There is one person in particular he would like to express gratitude for: his dad. “He loves the sport so much and has always encouraged me.” Tyler is still undecided on playing football in college but said he is sure to enjoy the last couple of games for the Longhorns.

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