The global phenomenon “Squid Game,” a Netflix original series, took the world by storm when it debuted in 2021, captivating audiences with its high-stakes survival games and its deep exploration of greed, desperation and humanity under pressure. The first season introduced viewers to a group of financially struggling individuals competing in deadly games for a life-changing cash prize. With each game drawing from childhood nostalgia yet carrying fatal consequences, the show presented a unique combination of social commentary and thrilling suspense. The season concluded with protagonist Seong Gi-hun winning the prize but grappling with the trauma of his experience, ultimately choosing not to use the money. The cliffhanger, revealing Gi-hun’s decision to confront the masterminds behind the games instead of leaving for a new life, left fans anxiously wondering what would happen next.
The second season picks up with Gi-hun’s quest searching for answers about what happens behind the games. The new season introduces new characters, unexpected alliances and moral dilemmas while diving into the twisted world of the competition. Though the show retained its main premise, many fans felt that Season 2 lacked the intensity of its forerunner, which was centered predominantly around the brutal life-or-death scenarios the characters faced.
“Season 1 introduced such a new concept,” junior Rishima Dhanuka said. The impact of it was hard to replicate in the second season and it felt a bit lackluster.”
The second season delves into a few additional subplots, exploring the evolving relationships and interactions between the characters amidst the risky games. Despite the tension and danger, viewers see a deeper look into the alliances formed and the betrayals that follow. Survival becomes more about trust than ever before.
“The relay race game was definitely one of the highlights of Season 2,” Dhanuka stated. “As the players began to form alliances, they almost became like a family, working together to survive. But once the stakes were raised, that unity quickly turned into chaos as people turned on each other to secure their spot in the game.”
One game that stood out in both seasons was the iconic ‘Red Light, Green Light’ game, which returned in Season 2 with a compelling twist. This time, the players knew what to expect, allowing more of them to survive the deadly game. The game’s familiarity created a brief illusion of hope, but it quickly took a darker turn, forcing contestants to face unforeseen obstacles.
The storyline in Season 2 aimed to delve deeper into the origins and mechanics of the game, yet it left some fans wanting more. Viewers were curious about the history of the games and hoped to see more exploration of prior competitions. The suspense surrounding the unanswered questions has left many wondering how Season 3 will unfold and whether it will provide long-awaited answers.
“I think Season 3 will have some really intense deaths, which is fitting since the show is all about survival and greed,” Dhanuka said. “ I think it will be on par with the first season and deliver the satisfying conclusion that fans have been waiting for.”
Despite mixed reactions to the second season, “Squid Game” continues its international legacy with its dark exploration of human nature and desperation. As the tension builds with Season 2’s suspenseful ending, predictions for Season 3 suggest even greater stakes and unexpected twists. We’ll only be able to tell as the games continue.