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The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

Sleepy Lambert

Sleepy Lambert

Nathan Kim, Features Staff January 10, 2022

Students at Lambert High have been sleeping since probably the opening of the school in 2009. You can see students sleeping in the Library, the hallways and obviously during class. But now students should...

In my experience, social media was holding me back more than it was connecting me to my friends and peers.

Why I deleted all of my social media accounts

Elizabeth Findley, Editor-in-Chief March 13, 2018

Social media has been one of the single most revolutionary forces within the last decade, vowing to bring people together from all corners of the world and give people the space to share ideas and express...

Ed Sheeran's last concert in Atlanta before disappearing for a year.

The return of Ed Sheeran

Ansley Mitchell, Staff Writer February 5, 2017

“Hello all. I am taking a break from my phone, emails and all social media for a while, I’ve had such an amazing ride over the last 5 years but I find myself seeing the world through a screen and not...

"My father took this picture of me when we took a family trip to Lake Lanier on Mother's Day. This picture represents a generation full of adolescent people who pay too much attention to the piece of metal in their hand, and not enough to the beautiful masterpiece of the world around them. Let this picture be a sign of the change we need in this world." -Amanda Merritt

Our social media obsession: Are we manufacturing memories?

Logan White, Literary Editor March 16, 2016

[<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story "Our social media obsession: Are we manufacturing memories?" on Storify</a>]

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