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The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The Affordable Health Care Act has been a subject of controversy since the day of its announcement, prompting citizens to take action, regardless if they are for or against the act. In 2012 a variety of American citizens rallied in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC, supporting The Affordable Care Act and all of its components.

The Affordable Care Act: a curse or a blessing?

Cayla Vanderzanden, Opinions Editor January 22, 2017

From the initial day of its announcement, it has remained evident that The Affordable Care Act (frequently known as Obama care) is a subject of profound controversy; although it is a result of decades...

Scalia's death leaves the future of the composition of the Supreme Court in question. The nation remembered the life and legacy of this towering legal presence this week.

Death of Justice Scalia ignites a firestorm of debate in Washington

Jordan Meaker, Editor-in-Chief February 19, 2016

[View the story "Death of Justice Scalia ignites a firestorm of debate in Washington" on Storify]

President Obama speaks about the future of America and its citizens.

Obama addresses the union one last time

J’Nea Greer, Staff Writer January 12, 2016

[View the story "Obama Addresses the Union One Last Time" on Storify]

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