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The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

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Why Do We Dream?

Anandita Mitra, Staff Writer February 6, 2023

Dreams are one of the most fascinating and mystifying aspects of sleep. They are images, thoughts or feelings that are unique to each and every individual. There are many types of dreams.  Some of...

Why Sleep is Essential for Teenagers

Why Sleep is Essential for Teenagers

Anandita Mitra, News Staff December 12, 2022

Sleep is vital for people of any age, especially teenagers because it fuels the brain and body. Sleep is an altered state of consciousness where we have limited interactions with the outside world and...

Sleepy Lambert

Sleepy Lambert

Nathan Kim, Features Staff January 10, 2022

Students at Lambert High have been sleeping since probably the opening of the school in 2009. You can see students sleeping in the Library, the hallways and obviously during class. But now students should...

Senior Jessica Borla takes a quick break as the finish line of the school year draws nearer. Caught up in the race of getting ahead for college admissions, students often have to sacrifice sleep and socializing, causing the school hours to become a struggle to stay awake.

Why Generation Z needs more Z’s and less stress

Jordan Meaker, Editor-in-Chief April 29, 2016

For years, teenagers have been depicted as the laziest, most apathetic cohort of society, easy punch lines for any stand-up comedian’s routine. Watch any teen movie from the 90’s or early 2000’s,...

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