Free immunization shots administered by Forsyth County
October 17, 2016
It is officially flu season as Forsyth County rolls out state issued immunization shots. It’s not just the flu that is being prevented; Pneumonia, Tetanus, and even Pertussis shots are also being given out. County staff members will be covered by their insurance and nurses are travelling from school to school to administer the vaccinations. The county is also giving free immunization shots to children from ages four to eighteen. Those will be given out at Sawnee Elementary School on Wednesday, Oct 19 at 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The shots are free to anyone who qualifies for the age specified, those looking to receive immunization do not need to have insurance or even be a student.
Flu season is periodically in the cold months of the year. This is mainly due to humans being at closer proximity to each other. Other factors that cause the spread of the virus include: lowered immune systems, increased behaviors that spread infections such as sneezing, and Influenza’s natural adaptations to cold environments. Only about three of over one hundred strains of influenza are actually used in the immunization process. The Center of Disease Control (CDC) predicts which three strains will be most present in the population from the most common strains of influenza prevalent in China during their last Autumn. The services provided will not protect the population from every strain or be 100 percent effective, but it all leads to a safer community.