Nobody Move, There’s Blood on the Floor, and I Can’t Find my Heart

Taken by freshman SGA president Niyu Nalluri February 13th
February may have come to an end, but love is still a flame in the halls of Lambert. Love of Taylor Swift, sleep and TikTok use are at an all time high after being showered with typical Valentine goodies from friends and loved ones.
Valentine’s Day is a momentous occasion worldwide. It is a day where people everywhere look forward to being able to shower and be showered in affection from those they love on a day to day basis.
Each Valentine’s Day, Lambert students look forward to an ongoing Longhorn tradition, finding their heart.
On Valentine’s Day students are elated to find the main halls of the school are littered with hearts containing the name of every single Longhorn. Every year, on Valentine’s Day, the population of Lambert goes on a wild goose chase to find the heart that has their name to hold as close to their heart as they wish.
“It’s especially nice for those of us that don’t have anyone,” senior Sakira Addams explained. “Lots of students don’t get anything for Valentine’s Day due to lack of a relationships or friends who care enough for them. It’s nice to have something [to] look forward [to] on a day when you’re surrounded by girls with teddy bears, and couples making out.”
These Valentine’s hearts are placed around the school by none other than the Student Government Association (SGA).
Members of the Student Government Association plan school-wide activities, such as spirit events and canned food drives. Not only does this add some extra pep to the environment of Lambert, but also brings the community of the school together.
“We did this over the course of a week, we had everyone stay after school for a couple of hours,” Freshmen Vice President of Outreach Nazeefa Loladia explained. “Itt definitely takes time, especially [because]Lambert has so many students. We had a cutter, someone to write names, and then we met up the day before [Valentine’s Day] and just hung them up!”
This tradition of Lambert has been ongoing for several years and counting, and has undoubtedly made its way into the hearts of all who attend the school.
“It’s been a tradition for at least 10 years, so it’s really special to teachers and students. Upperclassmen especially,” Nazeefa continued. “It’s really fun to just look at. Especially when you’re trying to look for you and your friend’s names.”
More efforts will definitely be seen from SGA, especially with school quickly coming to an end. Students are sure to be on high alert as more fun events will be pushed out by the student government association.
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