Lambert’s Doctors Without Borders Election

This is the logo for the Doctors without Borders organization. Medecins Sans frontieres is the organization’s name in French, where it’s origin was. (Doctors Without Borders)
On Saturday, February 26th, Lambert’s Doctors Without Borders hosted an election to appoint their executive board. The campaign took place during the week of February 21st to the 25th.
Doctors without Borders is an organization known for helping the community and giving assistance towards local and global disasters. The club also allows for students to gain more experience in healthcare, preparing them for skills in research and job expectations. The school club is actually a stem of a larger organization from the University of Georgia. Lambert’s local club has hosted numerous events around school, such as their Valentine’s Day fundraiser. They are currently hosting a donation drive with Meals by Grace.
The executive board works towards hosting events at a larger scale, such as planning and advertising. At the same time, the executive board maintains a strict expectation for themselves to adhere to the rules that UGA has enforced.
There are several positions including: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Subcommittee Officers and Publicity officers.
For the campaign, individuals did many actions to promote themselves, such as promoting themselves on social media. Campaigners listed out their achievements, along with featuring their future aspirations to appeal to the voters. The candidates also appealed to the audience by talking about their past leadership experiences.
12 individuals ran to earn a spot on the executive board for the organization. One of these individuals is Jaimy Vu, who managed to achieve the title of a Publicity Officer.
Jaimy gave the following response when asked why she wanted to run.
“Well other than trying to get a leadership position for experience,” Jaimy said. “I really liked participating and being a part of the club. I’m a Subcommittee Head so we also planned some events, and it was so cool to see our plans come to life.”
Results came out the same day the election took place, so be sure to congratulate one of the officers if you see one!
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