Why is Technology Used Against Us, and How it Can be Stopped

With the ever-changing digital age, ways to seize certain technology to do very illegal deeds are growing at an alarming rate. People have found ways to capitalize on weakly coded tech to either spy on people, steal from people, or even kill them. 

People are using this new technology to have personal gain in ways people never thought possible. A man by the name of Marc Goodman wrote a book called Future Crimes that goes into elaborate detail about how technology in the near future can and will be used against us. 


Marc is a former LAPD officer and has experience working with the US Secret Service, FBI, Interpol and police departments in over 70 countries. He has worked long and hard over the course of his career and has taken some heavy insight into the subject of cybercrimes. 


Cybercrimes already do exist all the time, (identity theft and online child predators etc.) but they are getting more advanced and could get worse as time goes on. But, as Marc says in his book, since the ways of virtually attacking people and companies are not getting smaller, a new, more updated way of protecting the privacy and condition of the American people. The Government needs to invest in a highly advanced cyber protective service to keep the general public safe from those who commit illegal acts throughout the internet and its many corners.


This new updated way can also be implemented through independent organizations who will promise and actually serve the best possible internet privacy and security by having the most up-to-date firewalls (virtual barricades built out of code to protect databases and other information from getting into the wrong hands) and other security barricades.

With all this being said, the future of crimes is now, so the future of policing needs to also be here now. Since cybercrimes are ever changing and getting more advanced. With each new crime happening, the government needs one big software update to protect its citizens and keep National Security not only physically, but also virtually.





