“Into the Woods” With the Acting Troupe of Lambert’s Next Production

Photo of the poster for “Into the Woods Jr.” and “Beauty and the Beast Jr.”.April 20th, 2022. This photo shows the colorful graphics and information for Lambert’s newest musical. (Chaney Duskin)

Photo of the poster for “Into the Woods Jr.” and “Beauty and the Beast Jr.”.April 20th, 2022. This photo shows the colorful graphics and information for Lambert’s newest musical. (Chaney Duskin)

The acting Troupe of Lambert is presenting “Into the Woods Jr.” along with “Beauty and the Beast Jr.” from April 27th to May 8th.

The story is based on the book by James Lapine and features many storybook characters that we all know and love like Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. The music is by Stephen Sondheim and is guaranteed to be amazing.

The show is about a baker and his wife who wish to have a child. It is also about Cinderella, who wishes to go to the King’s festival and Jack, who wishes his cow would produce milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of an evil witch’s curse, the two go on a journey to reverse the curse.

The student body is also very enthused about seeing this musical. Amanda Pelay, a senior, is one of those students.

“I have been looking forward to seeing this musical all year,” Pelay exclaimed. “ This will be the last show that I see as a student here at Lambert so I have high hopes.”

Senior, Carolyn Bean plays Cinderella whose only wish is to go to a festival (the ball). Cinderella is her dream role so she is very excited to be able to play her with her co-star Sophia Marcigiliano. Cinderella is just like the one you see in classic stories but in “Into the Woods Jr.,” she is very indecisive on what she wants her relationship with the prince to be. 

“I am very excited to get to perform with all of my best friends,” Bean stated, “I can relate to Cinderella’s Struggle to decide what she wants her relationship to be!”

Joining “Into the Woods Jr.” on the stage is “Beauty and the Beast Jr.”. This is the classic tale about a prince who is cursed to be hideous trying to win the Love of Belle to reverse his curse.

The Acting Troupe of Lambert has worked very hard on this show and the Lambert Post hopes to see you there. Tickets can be purchased here.