As we start the new year, the era of Netflix’s dominance remains consistent. However, there’s a growing perception among many that the content quality on Netflix has declined. The streaming platform initially garnered widespread popularity for its diverse array of TV shows and movies. Yet recently, audiences have observed a drop in the quality of shows and films available on the streaming service.
Senior and avid TV binge-watcher Adeeya Bardaiyar has recently been very disappointed with the content on Netflix.
“For me, the content on Netflix has taken a hit lately,” Bardaiyar stated. “It feels like there is a rush for quantity over quality which results in mediocre movies and shows.”
She further comments on the high cost of Netflix and how the current subscription price doesn’t justify the uninteresting content.
“For the first time in years, I had to get a subscription for another streaming service because there is nothing good to watch on Netflix anymore,” Bardaiyar added.
Instead of Netflix, many are switching their loyalty to streaming services such as Prime Video, Hulu, and Disney+.
On the other hand, senior Riddhi Goenka still enjoys streaming Netflix regularly.
“It’s an original,” Goenka states. “Nothing beats curling up in front of the TV and hearing the same Netflix intro.”
Much like Goenka, many individuals continue to prefer the originality provided by Netflix. In the last quarter, Netflix saw a surge in subscriptions with approximately 8.8 million new subscribers. Their success appears to stem from a new, cheaper monthly subscription option that incorporates advertisements as well as customers now having to pay extra for subscription sharing.
Although many may not choose Netflix as their favorite streaming service, it remains triumphant as the most popular service in the world. This title shows no signs of slipping away any time soon.