Lambert ESports: Preparation for a New Rocket League Season

Rocket League is a game where flying, rocket-powered vehicles pound enormous low-gravity footballs into simulated nets. Like many ESports (electronic sports) games, Rocket League demands countless hours of practice and per

Brian Rho playing for Lambert Rocket League Team in 2021. He now serves as captain of the Lambert Rocket League Team. Photo taken on October 21, 2021. (PlayVs).

fecting complex mechanical actions. Players work painstakingly to burn the contours of the game’s physics into their muscle memory.

Brian Rho, a Lambert student who oversaw the Lambert Rocket League Team Tryouts, has strong hopes for this new season. 

“These new players are showing a lot of potential,” Rho said. “I believe this season, we can win State and much, much more. When it comes time to play, I have no doubt in my mind that our team will perform. ” 

Lambert’s esports team practices before the 2021 state championships. Photo courtesy of Lambert High School.

Rho noted that even if the chemistry within the team is not immediate, the players this year can build a strong relationship over time.

There is a lot of pressure to perform well this year after Lambert won the Rocket League State Championships in 2021. Thus far, Lambert’s Rocket League Team has faced new competition and in order to compete against their new competitors, they will need to establish themselves as the finest Rocket League Team in the state.

“When we win this year, it will prove our team is the best in the state,” Rho said passionately. “I will brag about it to everyone!”

The ESports season begins soon, and Lambert High is going to be a strong competitor.

For more information about Lamber ESports, visit the Lambert ESports website.