Old Joy

“Old Joy” by Ethan Karp, 10th grade

Karp portrays the beautful details hidden within a genuine look of happiness

“I was digging around photos of old people on the internet for my next piece of artwork, and I saw a photo of a skinny Asian man that had a happy expression on his face. I created a detailed portrait of the old man’s face to capture that joyful expression of his. The light reflecting off of his old complexion was what really inspired me to draw it. The light hitting his face showed the amount of detail there is in a old person’s face. It showed how complex a face can look when it portrays emotion. I used charcoal pencils to help broaden the contrast of white and black in the face to show how bright and dark certain areas of the face can get. You can see there are many different places on the face that show dark shadowy areas while having bright light reflecting off the face right next to it.”

-Ethan Karp