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The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

Photo taken for SGA campaign, (the date of the election)

What Can 10th Grade SGA Do for You?

Sanhita Chatterjee, Features Staff November 12, 2021

Since the elections of the 2021-2022 Lambert school year, the student body hasn't heard much about what is to be expected in the coming school year. What do the tenth grade SGA officers have in store for...

The sophomores behind dude. be nice week discuss the visible effects of dude. be nice week. The five have worked hard to plan and promote the week.

Lambert practices kindness: dude. be nice week 2017

Hannah Kim, Senior Editor May 1, 2017

Sensing a need for spreading positivity in communities and schools across America, Brent Camalich decided to found an apparel company that promotes precisely that. The dude. be nice project is “platform...

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