The Annual Sandy Springs Festival Returns For Its 34th Year

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Hosted by Heritage Sandy Springs, the Sandy Springs Festival will run this weekend on September 28, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on September 29, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is no admission fee. The festival will be at the Heritage Green at 6075 Sandy Springs Circle and at the City Springs at 1 Galambos Way.


Here are some of the events this year:


Sandy Springs Lightning 5K and 10K:


This fun run, created by Doug Kessler 28 years ago, will be on the first day of the festival, September 28. Race Registration will be at 6:30 am. The 10K will start at 7:30 a.m, the 5K will start at 7:50 a.m. and awards will be handed out at 9 a.m. This race is a flat course through the Sandy Springs community and is a popular Peachtree Road Race Qualifier. Register here.


Sandy Springs Chalk Walk:


This will be the 8th Annual Sandy Springs Chalk Walk. Individuals or teams can register for a sidewalk square for $10. Awards will be handed out in categories for Adult, High School, Middle School, and Family. Don’t miss it! Register here.


Sandy Springs Pet Parade:


Come watch as animals of all shapes and sizes parade down the festival wearing all kinds of funky and creative costumes! Prizes will be awarded in various categories. There will be a $5 fee to register your animals in the Pet Parade. All proceeds go to the Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. Register here.


The Annual Sandy Springs Festival is the primary fundraiser for the Heritage Sandy Springs Museum and Park. Heritage Sandy Spring’s mission is to preserve the history of Sandy Springs and offer culture, education, and outreach for the Sandy Springs community. 


Come down and support the culture of Sandy Springs this weekend and have fun while doing so! Find out more information here: