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The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

The student news site of Lambert High School

The Lambert Post

An Instagram post regarding details about Lambert Prom. (lamberthslonghorns)

Is Prom Too Expensive?

Eera Ingle, Staff Writer March 28, 2025

Imagine a large room with colorful lights bouncing around while there is music playing in the background. There are intricate pieces of decoration and even more intricate evening gowns. This image can...

Navigating The Future: New Course Progression Changes at Lambert

Navigating The Future: New Course Progression Changes at Lambert

Sudarshan Prasanna and Justin Hwang February 7, 2024

Lambert High School has always been known for its high standards when it comes to academics, and this reputation has only intensified over the years. This phenomenon is nowhere near as prevalent as it...

The flyer used to advertise Edwin Drood, courtesy of Lambert ATL

Sanhita Chatterjee, News Editor January 31, 2024

From January 25-27, The Acting Troupe of Lambert (ATL) performed the musical “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”, based on the Charles Dickens book. This was a musical that was not only highly advertised,...

A picture of the Indian Cultural Society members at Diwali Mela, Courtesy of Riya Shah.

Indian Cultural Society

Hunter Dzerve, Staff Writer February 28, 2023

Walking down the hallways of Lambert, you are bound to see a diverse group of students socializing and attending classes; their cultures are different, but still blend together. One club that focuses on...

Carved pumpkins lit with candles, or Jack O Lanterns, are a common Halloween activity. Originating from Ireland, carve pumpkins and other gourds are said to ward off evil spirits associated with the coming winter.

Trick-or-Treating Alternatives

Natalie Ogden, News Editor October 24, 2022

For many, trick-or-treating is a childhood staple. There is something nostalgic about dressing up and running door-to-door with friends and family that stays with us forever. In recent years, however,...

The new trailers are located in the gym parking lot. Taken by Natalie Ogden September 12, 2022.

Construction Craze at Lambert

Natalie Ogden, News Section Editor October 13, 2022

 Each school year brings new and exciting changes. At Lambert High School, the 2022-23 school year is no different. Returning students have noticed the trailers in a new location, lengthened class change...

Photo of a world cloud that discussed all the factors that surround Media Bias. Tuesday, April 26th 2022. As displayed here and discussed in the article, “Journalists” and “Country” greatly influence Media Bias (© Robwilson39/Dreamstime).

Media Bias and the Reporting of Russia and Ukraine

Samantha Nyazema, Opinions Editor April 26, 2022

About a month ago, I wrote an article about the war in Ukraine. As I researched I came across some terrible quotes said by people in high positions and I would like to bring what I learned to light. There...

Photo by Lambert Volleyball, taken on August 2, 2021, Some rights reserved,

Lambert’s Varsity Volleyball Team

Justin Hwang, Sports Staff October 4, 2021

The Lambert Varsity Volleyball team has already cocked back the trigger, aiming straight for a successful season.  With the season in play, the future success and achievements the team hopes to make are...

Wall-to-Wall Spirit Games

Wall-to-Wall Spirit Games

Wall-to-Wall Spirit games took place last Friday in different spots around the school. Teachers represented grade levels in a competition for spirit points. The freshman class won the spirit belt this...

Track and Field Informational Meeting

Chaney Duskin, Sports and Entertainment Editor November 4, 2019

The Track and field team had their informational meeting on November 1st, where they talked about their upcoming season this spring.   At the informational meeting, Coach Nesbitt talked about...

 Pictured above, is health advocate Kenny Haney

Speaker Visits Lambert To Spread Awareness On Vaping

Jimena Ruano, Photography Editor October 24, 2019

Health advocate, Kenny Haney, will be visiting Lambert High School to inform the freshmen and sophomores of the dangers of vaping on Monday, October 28th, 2019. With the sudden vaping epidemic, schools...

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