Olivia Pastore, Staff Writer
Olivia Pastore is a senior at Lambert, and is absolutely thrilled to be involved in something that encourages one’s individuality. Along with writing, she adores music, theatre, coffee, and learning new things that help her make just a little more sense of the world. She is also the Historian of the Acting Troupe of Lambert, and has been involved in theatrical productions since 7th grade. All in all she enjoys telling stories, whether it be through literature or through performance or any other platform. She uses these aspects of her life to attempt understand more about the life she’s been given and the ever-approaching notion of her unknown future. She would like to leave a quote for thought (that is from one of her favorite films), a quote that she finds monumentally important for life all together: “Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for ”.
Stay connected with her on:
Twitter – @olivpastLHSpost
Her blog- olivarts