“Gilmore Girls” happens to be one of few television shows that has managed to transcend the era in which it was created. It initially aired in the early 2000s, captivating its audience with its portrayal of a charming small town and its exploration of the ups and downs of life and relationships. After more than 20 years of its release, the franchise continues to be cherished, with the show maintaining a strong presence on several streaming platforms and sparking several trends and discussions on social media.
The show was, in fact, so well received by viewers that it inspired a much-anticipated sequel “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life,” which was released in 2016. This four-part revival series brought audiences back to the familiar streets of Stars Hollow (where the show takes place), reuniting them with the characters they know and adore.
The overall narrative surrounding “Gilmore Girls” is centered around wholesome connections, including mothers and daughters, friends and romantic partners. The focal relationship between single mother Lorelai Gilmore and her teenage daughter, Rory, continues to be the heart of the show. Their dynamic – marked by humor, mutual respect and occasional conflict – offers a refreshing yet real take on the complexities of family life.
“The show really emphasized the impact challenges have on people and how going through challenges with someone else really strengthens the connection between people,” junior Ada Thrower mentioned. “Rory and her best friend Lane had to go through being away from each other for long periods of time and had their own challenges to overcome. But ultimately they stuck together in the end and grew from those experiences. The portrayal of those teen friendships is something that many younger audience members connect with.”
The show’s realistic take on managing high school relationships amidst one’s academic career resonate with several teen viewers, who experience these challenges every day.
The theme of overcoming various obstacles across several stages of life is what truly enthralls fans. The show portrays everything from Rory’s experiences as a student and friend to Lorelai’s challenges of adult life, and even the elder Gilmores’ struggles battling societal expectations.
Beyond deep social connections between characters, “Gilmore Girls” inspires students around the world through the depiction of Rory Gilmore’s academic excellence; with a goal to pursue a journalism degree at Harvard University, she studies with focus and great determination- a feeling most Lambert students relate to.
“When the theme of someone being extremely smart or academically inclined comes up, the first thing that comes to mind is Rory Gilmore,” Thrower stated. “In fact, Chilton [Rory’s high school] is very similar to Lambert in terms of its highly competitive environment.”
Rory’s high school journey resembles one of countless students today, faced with the pressures of higher education and the workforce. Many of her struggles inspire students to face their academic challenges with resilience.
The “Gilmore Girls” fan base continues to grow as more students and families identify strongly with the values and themes presented in the show. It teaches many to cherish their connections with others and face challenges with an open mind, lessons that will be invaluable to future generations.